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Uncovering the Secret to Finding Effective Anti-Aging Skincare

Updated: Jul 9

How to find a good anti-aging skincare?

When considering good anti-aging skincare, one should consider not only the immediate results but also the long-term factors. For example, what are the primary ingredients in skincare, their short-term results, and their long-term effects?  

Several factors cause aging skin. The most obvious cause is the accumulation of dead skin cells. Removing these dead skin cells with acid can immediately make our skin look much younger. This procedure is called chemical peels, also known as exfoliation. The most commonly used agents are glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. Some brand-name anti-aging skincare products use glycolic acid due to its effectiveness and low cost. Some plants also have exfoliation functions, such as pineapple extracts and oat colloids. Lemon is a well-known fruit that is used as a home remedy due to its high vitamin C content. Dermatologists have used salicylic acid as a skin peel in the last decade. The laser procedure replaced salicylic acid, a mechanical skin peel. Although chemical peels provide fast results, they can be painful and are not a long-term solution because you can only remove so many dead cells from our aging skin. Repeat and long-term use of skin peels can make the skin look very thin and fragile. Excellent anti-aging skincare is focused on promoting new skin cell regeneration instead of only removing dead skin cells.  

The most effective and commonly used ingredients for skin cell regeneration are vitamin C, collagen peptides, amino acids, and natural fatty acids. Vitamin C, for instance, serves as a natural whitening ingredient and is an activator and enzyme for collagen production. Collagen is the primary biological fiber that weaves to form our new skin. To finish this new skin formation process, vitamin C must be a cofactor. Besides vitamin C's function, as I just said, it is also an acid that acts as a chemical peeling effect. Unlike other chemical peels, it is much milder and doesn't cause any pain to your skin. Adding collagen as an ingredient in skincare allows the skin to have collagen directly on the skin, and our skin will use it on-site to make new cells within the area. However, collagen peptides are very large molecules and are difficult to absorb into the skin. In addition to using collagen peptides directly, we can also use amino acids, which are the natural materials in our body that form collagen. Amino acids are much smaller and penetrate the skin more easily. When you evaluate skincare products, you should consider looking for products that contain amino acids.

Water and natural oil maintain the skin's appearance and freshness to help new skin cells live well. Before the petroleum byproduct Vaseline was found, ceramide, an animal fat from sheep wool, was used in skin care but was expensive and unstable. Vaseline's effectiveness and low costs soon replaced ceramide.

Nowadays, the most commonly used moisturizer is hyaluronic acid, a clinically proven ingredient. It is a natural water-retaining material that assembles our body's membrane fluid. It can moisturize dry skin and prevent the root cause of dry skin. Also, retinoid is an oil-based vitamin that decreases the keratinization of skin cells. In other words, it maintains the skin cells' longevity and prevents skin cells from drying out into an old skin look. Retinoid is a good agent used in skin acne. Many skincare companies advertise retinoids as the most effective anti-aging ingredient, but they should be used in combination with other ingredients like hyaluronic acid. Maintaining skin moisture is vital for healthy-looking skin, especially for people with dry skin. It is essential to ageing skin because it is not only the lack of new skin production but also the lack of nutrients and moisture that support healthy skin.

In addition to maintaining skin moisture with hyaluronic acid-based materials, natural oils, such as Vaseline, ceramide, or plant-based oils, are another essential way to keep skin moist and younger-looking. The new trend is plant-based natural oils, such as coconut butter, olive oil, and avocado extract. 

In this internet age, there are so many anti-aging skincare products on the market. Finding good anti-aging skincare is a challenge for all of us, but if you keep in mind the three main factors, you will be able to find one. 

Good skincare must also work well, be easy to use, and be low-maintenance. Good customer reviews are the key evidence that this skincare is effective. You should also look into All-in-one skincare products. The most expensive brand-name anti-aging skin care products have a series of skincare products, starting with night cream, day cream, eye cream, and moisturizers. This series of skincare products sounds good, but using all of these as daily routines would take time, not even considering the money spent.  

According to a Cleveland Clinic health essential: "Simple routines should include scientifically proven anti-aging ingredients. Gentle cleanser, vitamin C, retinol, moisturizer, and broad-spectrum sunscreen. ("

Now, back to the question: What should good anti-aging skincare products contain? 

A good anti-aging skin care regimen has to work in three steps:

  • Remove the old dead skin cells.

  • Regenerate the new skin cells.

  • Keep the new skin moisturized. 

If you want to look for good anti-aging skincare, those three factors should be in your concentration.

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