Repair Age Damaged Skin | Reneue Skin Care
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A girl's face with pink bubble background, a  RENEUE serum bottle  image


 A RENEUE  serum bottle with leaves in a pink background

Exfoliation! Regeneration! Super Hydration!

For Mature Women and Men 

Features of The RENEUE Anti-Aging Serum 
  • A High Concentration of Vitamin C  

  • Powerful Amino Acids and Collagen Peptides.  

  • A Super Concentration of Hyaluronic Acid and Avocado Extract  

  • It is all-in-one skin care; It Saves Your Money and Effort. 

  • Skin Improvement Within A Few Weeks. Significantly Reverse Aging Skin with Continuous Use.

  • Never Tested on Animals. For Men and Women & All Skin Types. For Age Over 35.

What Made This Serum so Powerful? 

RENEUE Serum  has amino acids & collegan serves as building bLocks
Amino Acids & Collagen  

Collagen is the primary biological fiber that weaves to new skin. Amino acids are the building blocks of collagen. Their small size allows them to penetrate the skin easily.  

RENEUE serum has high concentration of vitamin C

Vitamin C is the catalyst agent for producing collagen with amino acids. It is also an exfoliant that removes dead skin to the right dull, dark, and wrinkled skin.   

RENEUE serumhas high concentration of hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic Acid 

Hyaluronic acid is a water-content material that assembles our body membrane fluid. It maintains the water content of skin cells and moisturizes them.    

RENEUE contains  4 ingredietns in 4  colors petri dishs
Powerful Combination

Together, these powerful ingredients make this anti-aging formula unique. It completes all three aspects of exfoliation, regeneration, and moisturizing the new skin for anti-aging skincare.

Woman's face  with two side of young & old look
Improve Skin Appearance

It aids in the growth of fresh skin cells, taking years off your aging skin and resulting in a more even, smooth tone. It reduces wrinkles, giving the skin a plumper, more youthful, glowing appearance.  

Woman's face is half dark & half light
Brightens Dark Skin Tone

The RENEUE serum exfoliates dead skin to brighten dark spots and smooth dull skin. It also firms, tightens, and gives the skin a glowing appearance, resulting in a more youthful look.

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What are the Results?

How To Use This Product?​​

  • Put A General Amount On the Face, Neck, Around the Eye Twice a Day, In The Morning, In The Evening, or Under Your Makeup. Do Not Get Into The Eyes, Mouth.

  • Apply Sun Lotion on Top of the Serum to Reduce Vitamin-C UV Sensitivity Properties.

  • If you Don't Use It Right Away, Keep It in A Fridge for Less Than 6 Months. Shake it Well Before Use. Keep The Iid On to Stay Fresh & Potency,

  • You May Have a Mild Stinging Sensation due to Vitamin B3 Naturally Reacting to The Skin, and it Should Stop Immediately. 

  • If You Are Allergic to This Serum, Stop Use It Right Away.

  • It may turn light yellowish due to Vitamin C properties, but it doesn't affect potency.​

We guarantee your money back if you do not get results in 4 weeks!

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